2030 Sustainability Strategy

Our sustainability strategy is all about generating ideas for the future to solve the challenges facing society.

With the updated 2030 Sustainability Strategy, we have identified five material issues across three core themes of People, Planet and Innovation.

*For more information on materiality and the value creation model based on the 2030 Sustainability Strategy, please visit the . 

About the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct lays out the principles of conduct that all members of Dentsu Group Inc., as well as stakeholders (transaction partners, shareholders, regional communities, etc.) are requested to abide by.

  • Working Together
  • Working Responsibly
  • Working with Integrity
  • Working with Communities

Dentsu Group Human Rights Policy

Established in 2018 as a Group-wide policy, and based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other related regulations that global companies must comply with.

It includes the three chapters as below.

  • Our Respect for Human Rights
  • Basic Labor Policy and Labor Rights
  • Our Commitment to Upholding and Protecting Human Rights